Okay, I thought I would be one of those people who could just write and actually keep up with my blog. For those who know me, I don't have a problem talking so why do I have such a problem actually sitting down and writing. Here are my theories why:
1) I have three kids and no time to actually do things other than change diapers, refill sippy cups, feed snacks, remove objects from a mouth of a 13month old, be a referee between 2 and 6 year olds, pick up toys, run the vacuum and numerous other time consumming activities.
2)I work weekends. Although it is a great set up, I end up actually wasting 1 day preparing for work that night (Friday) and 1 day recovering from my weekend (Monday) not to mention the fact those are the days I don't have Mother's Day out so I have the two little ones here.
3) My husband's internet usage. I get rather annoyed at my husband because he tends to be on the internet a lot. I guess because he doesn't use it at work(since it IS a government computer) so he saves all he browsing until he gets home. He also hogs the TV. He will be watching Glenn Beck and browsing on the laptop. If he even gets a drink of uses the bathroom, I have to run in to either check my email or Facebook.Then he comes back and stares at me or what I am looking at so I give it back. I think I may save up for my own laptop.
4) We can't use the internet at work. Not that I would be constantly on it and not taking care of my patients...but when there are no patients and you are doing everything you can to stay awake what does a little internet browsing really hurt. I have caught up on a lot of CEUs because we can do that.
5) I really am sort of creatively lazy. Yes, I really don't want to think that much. It is sort of sad that I really want to do mindless things like surf people.com and facebook. I like to surf ebay for children's clothes because I don't care if I look like crap at least my kids are cute. I also think the more kids you have the number of brain cells actually decrease. I really have a hard time answering simple questions...Where are my shoes? Why is the sky blue? I can't even get the names of my kids and husband correct. I am constantly calling Trey-Finn, or Finn-Caelin or Bailee-Finn or Caelin. After hearing my mother doing that growing up, I never thought I would be one to actually commit this name mixup.
There could be several more theories but my creative laziness is kicking in....or I can't think of anything else to write about and I have to refill my 2 year olds sippy cup....more from me later.